Near Vs Far Infrared Therapy: Know The Difference

Nowadays The use of infrared therapy is on the rise as people are looking for new and natural ways to heal their bodies.Infrared therapy can be delivered in two ways, near-infrared or far infrared.But what are some major differences between these two therapies?

Let’s take a closer look.

What Is Near Infrared Therapy?

Near infrared light therapy

Near infrared light therapy is a groovy way of healing that involves using groovy light waves that penetrate deep into the skin. It’s a game-changing treatment that uses groovy light to jumpstart cell growth and healing in your body.

As light penetrates our tissue, it can activate cellular regeneration, encourage circulation, reduce inflammation, and decrease pain, without causing any damage.It has been shown to effectively treat joint pain, gastrointestinal ailments, wounds or cuts, chronic inflammation, and more.

Although still considered an alternative therapy, its popularity is growing as more people look for natural treatments with no side effects or risks.This treatment can totally kick any kind of sickness to the curb – a seriously cool new way in the health biz that could totally change our approach to fixing lots of different health problems.

Benefits Of Near-Infrared Light Therapy

Using red light therapy can serve many purposes, including helping your body heal more quickly.

• Reducing inflammation

• Enhancing the production of natural oils in the skin

• Treating scarring, wrinkles, and stretch marks

• Increasing blood flow to promote healing

• Accelerating wound healing.

Side Effects Of Near-Infrared Light Therapy

Using near-infrared light therapy is a pretty chill and safe way to treat stuff without cutting you open. You shouldn’t really have problems with it, but it’s good to know there might be a few things that could happen:

• Your skin might get a little pissy.

• Burning sensation

• Temporary redness or swelling

What Is Far Infrared Therapy?

Far infrared light therapy

Far infrared therapy is a type of treatment that uses waves to penetrate the body, providing deep tissue heating.

People in the healthcare industry are really into this trend called “far infrared therapy” because it can really get into your body and do a lot of good stuff.This treatment works by sending waves of infrared energy deep into the tissue, generating heat that reaches farther than generic external warming treatments.

By providing this level of deeper tissue heating, far infrared therapy can help promote the relaxation of muscles, improve circulation, and reduce joint stiffness and pain.With its impressive benefits and being an overall safe form of treatment, far infrared therapy has been rapidly gaining acceptance among medical professionals striving to provide beneficial treatments to their patients.

Benefits Of Far Infrared Light Therapy

Far infrared light therapy has many potential benefits, including: 

• Reducing inflammation and promoting detoxification

• Stimulating circulation

• Promoting wound healing

• Increasing collagen production for healthier skin

• Decreasing muscle stiffness and relieving joint pain

Side Effects Of Far Infrared Light Therapy

As with any kind of therapy, far infrared light therapy can have some potential side effects.These may include: 

• Temporary redness or dryness of the skin

• Irritation or burning sensation at the site of treatment

• Risk of thermal injury to sensitive areas of the skin

• Risk of increased risk of infection if used over open wounds.

Which Therapy Is Better Near Or Far Infrared Therapy?

Take a good peek at both close and distant red-light treatments so you can decide with confidence which one suits you better.

Near and Far Infrared therapy are both natural treatments used to help with issues such as pain relief, mental clarity, and increased energy.

Near-infrared therapy is the utilisation of light we can see from the sun, but only the type that’s super tiny – up to 20 micrometres long.

Far infrared therapy uses invisible light waves ranging from 7–15 micrometres in wavelength.

Both treatments can be super helpful depending on how bad the issue is and what kind a relief a person needs.

Where Do You Get Far / Near Infrared Therapy?

Near and far infrared light therapy is generally safe when used properly.

It’s crucial to check in with a doc before starting this treatment.

They can help you determine whether near or far infrared light therapy is right for you and provide guidance on the best type and frequency of treatments.

Additionally, they may suggest other therapies that could benefit you more depending on your individual needs.It is also important to use caution when using light therapy devices at home as overexposure to certain wavelengths can cause skin damage.

Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and never exceed their suggested exposure times.It is recommended that all people who suffer from light sensitivity should avoid near-infrared light therapy altogether.

Is Near & Far Infrared Light Therapy Safe?

Far infrared (FIR) and near-infrared (NIR) therapy is increasingly recognized for their beneficial health effects.

Thermal radiation provided by FIR and NIR devices has the potential to stimulate healing from the cellular level up to potential systemic levels.Fortunately, this emerging therapeutic modality is available in a variety of forms.

Generally, FIR/NIR therapy devices come with highly-focused items like hand-held wands and heating pads, as well as full-body sauna systems that make use of motion detectors to track where the focused radiation needs are most needed.

These setups are now being utilised in a growing number of fancy spas and back-cracking clinics across the globe.Saunas that may be used in any environment–food retail stores, locker rooms, gyms, salons, or private homes and can promote stress reduction, cardio improvements, and skin clarity.

Alternatively, many products which emit heat also output some intensity of thermal radiation like ceramic infrared heaters, electrical blankets, and heated garments both used singularly or collaboratively depending on the individual’s desired outcome.

As access to FIR/NIR technology increases worldwide so does more research into precisely how it works for specific medical conditions; towards providing more precise treatment guidelines for practitioners.


Both near and far infrared light therapy has many potential benefits, but only when used by recommended guidelines.Before jumping into any new health routine, make sure to talk with a pro to figure out which type of therapy might work best for your unique situation.

End Note

The above content discusses near and far infrared light therapy, their relative effectiveness and safety precautions to be taken when undergoing this type of treatment.

Don’t go overboard with the light wavelengths, just stick to what the manufacturer recommends! If you play it cool and listen to the rules, light therapy has major potential to boost your health and happiness! Thank you for reading.

We hope this information was helpful in understanding near and far infrared light therapy!